We help companies to gain insight into their own businesses, think through their difficult problems, optimise the contributions of the senior team, win consensus and develop a practical achievable plan to drive the business forward.
Our business improvement processes focus on the four drivers of organisational performance:
- Leadership
- Customer focus
- Employee engagement
- Innovation
In a full strategy development project, we take the senior team through five thinking steps to develop the answers to five key questions:
- Where do you stand now? The key issues, problems, opportunities and options facing your business
- What do you want your business to become? The overall ambition for the business, goals and targets for customers and stakeholders
- What will your business be like when you get there? Vision for each part of the business
- What are you going to do to get there? Individual, linked actions for the key processes in the business
- When and how will you do it? Co-ordinated, prioritised implementation plans which lead to the achievement of the business ambition.
We work with our clients through these five questions in a series of interactive senior management workshops. These are designed to fully involve your people in the development of your plan, building commitment to the outcomes.
For a narrower project, concentrating on just one of the drivers, for example Employee Engagement, far fewer people may be involved, though of course we would most probably present our findings to the senior team.
We seek to really understand your business and to get you to think imaginatively about it…
“They make enough time and effort to get involved in the business and understand it. They got us to think outside the box, to think about what we should do tomorrow and not today.”
Gary Torr, Managing Director
Dekko Window Systems